In love and anger, peace and mercy
July 23, 2011
A few weeks ago I watched the video of Amy Winehouse's concert in Serbia. She didn't even know she was in Serbia. I can't really justify my gawker slowdown to watch, except that her behavior was so outrageous. But I was especially interested in the people around her: the working musicians who didn't know what to do except keep smiling and playing; the audience, outraged that they'd spent Read More
The weather geek's version of an acid flashback
July 18, 2011

If this was December, whoa, it would be a lot colder.
We're experiencing record heat this week in Minnesota. Last winter, we set records for snow and cold. Within the boundaries of these extremes, I've noticed a shift in my attitude. I used to experience November through March as if diving into the deep end of a very cold pool, holding my breath until it was over and I could come up for April air. It was even worse a dozen years ago, Read More
This just in: Shutdown ends on Linda Henry's blog
July 14, 2011
Not that I'm pretending anyone will notice, but I'm going to blame my lack of recent blogging on Minnesota's government shutdown. I'm only being a little facetious. For me, the Republicans' inability to negotiate in good faith, in St. Paul and in DC, is mind-numbingly scary. I didn't realize how frozen I was until Read More